NgRx Workshop: Part 2 - Actions

NgRx Workshop: Part 2 - Actions

  • Unified interface to describe events

  • Just data, no functionality

  • has at least a type property

  • strongly typed using classes and enums


There are a few rules for writing good actions within your application.

  • Upfront - write actions before developing features to understand and gain a shared knowledge of the feature being implemented.

  • Divide - categorize actions based on the event source.

  • Many - actions are inexpensive to write, so the more actions you write, the better you express flows in your application.

  • Event-Driven - capture events not commands as you are separating the description of an event and the handling of that event.

  • Descriptive - provide context that are targeted to a unique event with more detailed information you can use to aid in debugging with the developer tools.

  • Actions can be created with props or fat arrows
// With props
export const updateBook = createAction(
    '[Books Page] Update a book',
        book: BookRequiredProps,
        bookId: string

// With fat arrow
export const getAuthStatusSuccess = createAction(
    "[Auth/API] Get Auth Status Success",
    (user: UserModel | null) => ({user})

Event Storming

You can use sticky notes as a group to identify:

  • All of the events in the system

  • The commands that cause the event to arise

  • The actor in the system that invokes the command

  • The data models attached to each event

Naming Actions

  • The category of the action is captured within the square brackets. []

  • It is recommended to use the present or past tense to describe the event that occurred and stick with it.


  • When referring to components, you can use the present tense because they are related to events. It is like in HTML where events do not use past tense. Eg. OnClick or click is not OnClicked or clicked
export const createBook = createAction(
    '[Books Page] Create a book',
    props<{book: BookRequiredProps}>()

export const selectBook = createAction(
    '[Books Page] Select a book',
    props<{bookId: string}>()
  • When the actions are related to API you can use past tense because they are used to describe an action that happened
export const bookUpdated = createAction(
    '[Books API] Book Updated Success',
    props<{book: BookModel}>()

export const bookDeleted = createAction(
   '[Books API] Book Deleted Success',
   props<{bookId: string}>()

Folders and File structure

It is a good practice to have the actions define close to the feature that uses them.

├─ books\
│     actions\
│         books-api.actions.ts
│         books-page.actions.ts
│         index.ts

The index file can be used to define the names for the actions exported, but it can be completely avoided

import * as BooksPageActions from "./books-page.actions";
import * as BooksApiActions from "./books-api.actions";

export { BooksPageActions, BooksApiActions };